How to Choose the Best Lawn Tools for Your Lawn

How to Choose the Best Lawn Tools for Your Lawn

lawn tools

The vast selection of lawn care tools and equipment on the market may seem very overwhelming to most people.  There are many things that need to be taken into consideration before you invest in lawn equipment because the prices vary greatly, and the tools may be something that you keep for many years in the future.  Additionally, you will want to find the best lawn care tools for your particular purpose and for your particular lawn as well.

​Some things that you may want to consider before making lawn care tool purchases include: what is the size of your lawn, what is the type of terrain, are there a lot of obstacles for you to work around (such as trees, flowerbeds, or playsets), and the quality of the tools/equipment that you want to purchase.  As mentioned before, the prices can vary widely among the same type of lawn care equipment, so you must decide the level of quality that you hope to purchase and the amount of money that you wish to spend.

Below, you will find a list of some of the most important lawn care equipment.  It may be beneficial for you to investigate some of the various tool options before making the final purchase.  This way, you will be fully educated and knowledgeable about the investment that you are getting ready to make.

Lawn mower:  Mowers are available in two basic types; either push mowers or riding mowers.  Push mowers will work nicely for a lawn that is not too large, for people who want to get some exercise while mowing their lawn, or for people who don’t want to spend too much money.  Riding lawn mowers may work better for people who have more acreage to mow, or for people who want more power in their mowing equipment.  Among lawn mowers, you will find a wide range of electric options, gas-powered options, deck width, adaptable options, and many other comparisons that should be taken into consideration prior to choosing the right one for your purpose.

Lawn trimmer:  Trimmers are used to cut the grass/weeds in smaller areas, where the lawn mower cannot reach.  They are very useful around obstacles in the yard, as well as around flowers beds, mailboxes, and other landscape features.  Trimmers are available in electric models or in gas-powered models, and although most trimmers use plastic string to cut through grass blades, some gas-powered options have metal blades for use in more robust trimming situations.

Lawn edger:  Edgers are used for the purpose of fine-tuning the aesthetic appeal of a lawn.  An edger will help to make precision cuts around the perimeter of your lawn, and around any edges as well.  Although a trimmer can be used for the purpose of “edging” a lawn, a true edger will make the lawn look cleaner and more precise around the edges.  Lawn edgers can also be used to create trenches around flowerbeds and driveways.

Rake:  A rake can be used to help collect fallen leaves on your grass, or to help spread cut grass around the lawn, spread pine needles or mulch, or for many other useful purposes, too.  Rakes are available in various sizes and materials such as plastic or metal, and there are even several options for handles.

Spreader:  A spreader is used to sprinkle grass seed around the lawn.  Spreaders are available in a hand-held version or on wheels.  A larger spreader on wheels will help cover a larger lawn, which may be beneficial for many property owners.

Pruner/shears:  These tools will come in very handy when you are caring for shrubs, flowers, or trees around your lawn.  We always recommend trying out different ones to determine what feels most comfortable.

Aside from the more common lawn tools listed above, there are numerous other tools perfect for each and every lawn project.  The best way to decide what tool is right for you is to educate yourself on the different options, consider how often you will use the tool, in what capacity the tool will be used, read online reviews, and ask others (friends and family or store employees) what they use for specific jobs.  As always, you can contact our 
lawn care professionals as well to ask questions or advice on how to care for your lawn.

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